To retrieve your Stripe credentials please follow these steps:
- Log in to Stripe and click the Developers option on the top right
- Click the API keys option
- Under Standard Keys you will see your Publishable key and Secret key*.
- Copy and paste both keys into the appropriate fields on your LearningCart Payment Gateway Settings page.
*Please note, for security the secret key in Stripe will only be shown to you a single time. If you do not copy it and leave the page, in order to view the secret key again you will have to reset it.
To enable tracking and / or recurring billing:
- Click the Web Hooks option that shows in Stripe (under the Developers section - see above) .
- On the new page that loads click Add Endpoint.
- Under End Point URL enter
- Under Select events to listen to click Select Events and then check the Select All option.
- Click Add Events and then scroll to the bottom of the page and click Add Endpoint to add this new end point.
- You should then receive a confirmation page showing your new end point. Under Signing Secret click the link to reveal your signing secret. Copy and paste that into the appropriate fields on your LearningCart Payment Gateway Settings page.