Course Views for Learners
Jump to: Classic Course View | Course Player | Course View Admin
LearningCart offers flexibility in how your course content is delivered to and engaged with by your learner. There are two course view styles: Classic and Course Player. You have the flexibility to use either or both. You are even able to switch a course from one view to the other to visualize how best it will be received by your learner.
Classic Course View
The classic view of a course in a learners account is a traditional list of content items that need to be completed by the learner. They can read descriptions of each content item, view the completion status of each item, and click to launch each item from their account dashboard.

Adjusting Course Information Layout
When a learner enters their course, you are able to include a course image and description at the top of their course view. Those pieces can be customized through the details editor located at the bottom of the course settings.

Setting Course View Icons
For each content item, you are able to upload a content item image. These images show next to the content item description in the learner's dashboard. To upload a content item image to an existing content item, navigate to Training > Content & Settings, locate the content item you will be working with and click 'Edit'. Under image, upload the image you would like to appear in the learner's dashboard.

Course Player View
LearningCart offers a second course view for learners that launches as an all-inclusive window when a learner clicks into their course. The course player hosts a stationary navigation bar on the left that keeps learners informed on the status of their content items and provides the ability to click into the next content item without leaving the window. The content items play in the window on the right.

Changing the Course Player Header Colors
The course player header bar settings are located under Website > General Settings > Site Settings. Click color box next to Course Player Header Color or Text Color and drag the dot around the color tile or enter your hex code. Once finished, click 'Save'.

Course View Type - Admin View
At a glance, an admin is able to identify which courses are utilizing the Course Player and which courses are presented to the learner in the Classic View. When viewing the Courses in the admin (Training > Courses), you will see a column labeled Course Type. This will indicate which course view is currently being used for that course.

To change the course view type, simply click to edit the desired course then click 'Course Settings' and toggle the Course Player dropdown to 'Yes' or 'No'.