The Groups feature in LearningCart can be used to group together subsets of customers within LearningCart. This can be useful for displaying specific messages or products to members of this group or for reporting purposes.
In LearningCart there are three ways a customer becomes a member of a group:
1) An Administrator manually puts them into the group.
2) A customer utilizes a registration code sent to them by their manager, at which point they will automatically be inserted into any of the inheritable groups that the manager is a member of.
3) A customer purchases a product price that includes group access.
Below are some common things you can do once you have created a group.
1) Almost all reports in LearningCart can be filtered by group. This allows you to easily report on group performance.
2) A unique welcome message and logo can be shown to group members when they visit the My Account screen.
3) For each group in the system you can specify one or more customers as a “Group Administrator”. When a group administrator logs in, on their My Account screen they will see a User Progress Report. This report will allow them to check on the progress on all other customers in the group, as well as view their certificates of completion.
4) Product prices in the system can be specified to only be available to specific groups. This allows you to either make special pricing available to group members. Only customers who are logged in and a member of the appropriate group will be able to order those types of prices.
For details on how to set this up - review the online help here.
5) Customers can automatically be added to a specified group upon purchasing a specific price. This can be useful for example if you want to group purchasers of a specific price into a distinct group for reporting purposes, or for showing them a different welcome message when they access their 'my account' area.
For details on how to set this up - review the online help here.
6) Blogs posts can be restricted so they are only available to members of a specific group. This feature can be used in combination with the previous one to easily allow only users that have purchased specific products access to specific blog posts.
For details on how to set this up - review the online help here
To create a Group, navigate Manage Users -> Groups -> Add Group. You will be prompted with the following fields:
Group Name: Enter the Group Name.
Inherit: When this box is checked, this Group will be automatically assigned to any users that utilize a registration code sent by a member of this group.
Priority: If a user is assigned to multiple groups, the user will see the logo and welcome message of the group with the lowest priority.
Logo: If a specific logo is to display on the ‘My Account’ page for this group, click Browse to locate and upload the logo.
Group High-Score Board: When checked, Users in this group will only see other group members on their Leaderboard. This box must be checked for the Leaderboard to display.
Welcome Message: If you would like a custom Welcome Message to display on the ‘My Account’ page for this group, enter the Welcome Message.
Click Add to save your changes.
Group Administrators
Any customer account in the system can be designated as a group administrator. Once a Customer is identified as a Group Admin, several additional features become available on their ‘My Account’ page.
- The Group Admin can view the User Completion Report for all users in the group.
- The Group Admin can use the User Completion Report details to view and print certificates of completion for users in the group.
To view group administrators for a specific group, navigate to Manage Users > Groups and then locate the group you are working with.

To assign a user as a group administrator, you can begin typing the user's name directly into the 'Group Admin' field on the group details page. Alternatively, you can add a user as a group admin through the user's profile. Navigate to Manage Users > Customers and then find the appropriate account and click ‘details’. Scroll down to the Customer Groups section. When you click into the dropdown you will see for each group there is an option that has "Admin" after the name. For example, if you have a group named Students you will see there is an entry for "Students" as well as an entry for "Students Admin". Select the option with "Admin" after the name and hit ‘Save’. Your customer will then have admin access to the specified group(s).