

Instructors are customer accounts that have permissions to view / update learner progress and generate course rosters for the classes to which they are assigned. 

Adding an Instructor
To add a new instructor, go to Manage Users > Instructors > Add Instructor. You will encounter the following fields:

  • Customer: Use the dropdown to select the current customer account for this instructor. If this instructor does not have a customer account, you can click ‘Add New Account’ and fill out a user profile. 
  • Can Email Students: When checked, the instructor will have the ability to email students registered for the course to which the instructor is assigned.
  • Can Change Status / Score: When checked, the instructor will have the ability to adjust a student’s status / score within the course to which the instructor is assigned. 
  • Instructor Type: This will allow you to designate if the instructor is an internal or an external trainer.
  • Instructor Countries: As additional countries are supported via sub portals, selecting the appropriate country will allow the instructor to show as available when scheduling events / sessions for a location in that country.
  • Assigned Products: This is where an admin will specify which course(s) (Products) an instructor can teach, create session records, and upload the class roster. If an instructor is out of compliance, you can then simply remove the Product and they will no longer be able to teach future events / sessions of that product. 
  • Certifications: This area will be automatically populated when the instructor completes courses tied to a certification. See Instructor Qualifications below for more information.
  • Instructor Bio: Here is where you will add the bio for this instructor.

When finished, click ‘Add’ to save this profile.

Instructor Qualifications
An instructor’s qualifications can be viewed at the instructor profile under Manage Users > Instructors > Edit (on desired instructor’s name). Certifications will show the course they took to achieve their certification, the completion date, and the expiration date.  

Only courses that have been marked ‘certification’ at the course level and have been completed by the instructor will show in the instructor’s user profile. This will enable you to setup ‘certification’ tagged courses for instructors to take prior to allowing them to teach the applicable course(s).

Assigned Instances
Within the full list of instructors (Manage Users -> Instructors), you will have the opportunity to download a report of all instances / events assigned to a specific instructor. Locate the desired instructor then click ‘Assigned Instances'. An excel download will automatically begin containing the information on each instance assigned to an individual instructor. 

Instructor Calendar
Within the Instructor's account dashboard, they have access to two calendar views. The list view offers all assigned sessions in a list with easily accessible links to download the class roster, obtain the 'add to cart' link, and manage the session.

The second calendar view allows the instructor to view all assigned sessions within a specified month. Color coded icons give the instructor session information at a glance or when hovered. The calendar icon gives information about that specific instance such as date, time, and in-person or virtual. The dollar sign icon lets the instructor know how many units of that session have been sold. The person icon shows which instructors have been assigned to that instance.


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