Manage Page Templates
LearningCart gives you complete control over the look and feel of your site.
To edit your template select Manage Page Templates, located under Site Content in the left hand navigation menu.
Out of the box, LearningCart is setup with a template named Default which you will see listed. If you want to download this template to make changes to it using an HTML editing program, click the download link and save the file. You can then change the file and upload your changes using the Edit Template page which we will discuss in a minute.
To customize your template colors, click Customize Template. You can then specify the colors you would like to use in various portions of the template. To view a schematic of which areas the different colors control, click the link at the top of customize template page.
Template Files are additional files you want to have included in your template. This feature lets you easily add references to additional custom JavaScript or CSS files, or even a browser icon.
Copy Template: allows you to easily make a quick copy of the current template.
Editing a Template
Click Edit Template to edit core information about your template. You can enter the following information:
- Name: The name of your template.
- New File: Allows you to select a new template file to upload.
- Default: In many areas of LearningCart, such as when creating documents, quizzes, or forms you can specify the specific template you want to use. Some pages in LearningCart though, such as your shopping cart, login, or payment page will automatically use whatever template you have specified as your default. For the system to work properly you must always have a default template specified.
- Active: Indicates if this template should be considered active and available for use.
- Show HTML markup: Click the link to edit the raw HTML of your template. This feature is handy if you want to make a quick change to your template. We do highly recommend downloading a copy of your template prior to making any changes. As always make sure to click the Save button to save your changes.
Once you make your desired changes, click Save Changes to save your edits.
Creating a New Template
To create a new template you can either download or copy the Default template and make your desired changes or use the link at the top of the manage templates page to download a sample HTML template. The sample template includes helpful comments as well as indicators of which items are required. The sample template can be customized however you desire. Once you have saved your changes you can return to the Manage Templates page, give your new template a name, select the file you saved, and load the template into LearningCart.
General Template Variables
- [navigation] The area that will automatically be replaced with the navigation from your site content section.
- [content] - The main content area of your page.
- [breadcrumbs] - Navigational breadcrumbs that are automatically generated based on the customer's location within our system.
- [loggedin] [endloggedin] - Any content that should be shown to customers only when they are logged in, can be placed between these tags.
- [loggedout] [endloggedout]- Any content that should be shown to customers only when they are not logged in, can be placed between these tags.
You can apply the CSS class: lc-loggedout-hidden anywhere in the system where you want an element to not display if the user is logged out. Similarly you can apply the CSS class lc-loggedin-hidden to any element you want to hide when the user is logged in. This will function anywhere in the system that HTML is supported.
For information on how to edit system messages that are displayed by LearningCart, please see Changing System Messages.