Registration Codes
LearningCart offers the ability to purchase course access or seats in bulk and then assign those seats through registration codes.
Setting Up a Product with Registration Codes
In the left-hand navigation, click ‘storefront’ then click ‘products’. Locate the product you will be working with and click ‘edit’. Select the ‘Prices/Events’ tab, choose the session you want and click ‘edit’.
Here in the details of the product session, you will see an option to Generate Registration Codes. Toggle the field to ‘Yes’ and click ‘Update Price’. The product session will now automatically generate registrations codes for all purchases of two or more seats.

Editing the default message sent to registration code users; to customize the message that is included in the email sent to registration code users (see below),

navigate to Configuration > Resource File and locate RegCodeEmailText (ctrl+F is helpful when searching). Click 'Edit' and make your changes. Click 'Update' to save your changes.
Note: editing the Resource file will cause your site to recompile and all users will be logged out. Our recommendation is that you make changes during non-peak hours.
Registration Codes Management
When your customer completes a purchase of this product with a quantity of 2 or more seats, registration codes will automatically become available in their ‘My Account’ dashboard under a ‘Registration Codes’ tile. This page is where the customer will manage all registration codes they have purchased. Here they can see the order number and date, the product, how many remaining registration codes they have to give out, and how many codes have been used or claimed.

To assign access to a registration code, the customer will click ‘Details’ next to the desired product session. There are three options for registration code distribution. The first option allows the customer to create user profiles for each of the learners. Here they will enter the recipient’s email, First Name and Last Name. The Password field is optional, and if left blank, will generate a random password for the learner. The customer can manually enter multiple learners and then click ‘Submit’. If the customer has assigned access before, they will have a list of all existing users associated with their account shown on this screen. To assign access to an existing user, the customer will click the checkbox next to the name of the user they are assigning access and then click ‘Submit’. Learners will receive an email with account login details and the assigned training information will be immediately available in their account.

The second option for registration code distribution is through email invites. This sends an email to the learner inviting them to self-register for the training. The customer will have the option to add additional email text to the default email being sent to the learner. If the customer needs to send registration emails to a bulk list of email addresses, they can click ‘Import from CSV’ where they will be able to upload a csv file of email addresses. Learners will need to click the invitation link they receive in their email and set up their account before the registration code is marked as complete. After they have set up their account, assigned training will show in the learner’s account and the registration code will be considered taken.

The final option for distributing registration codes is through a bulk upload of users. This option allows you to create a bulk number of learner accounts with First Name, Last Name, and email. The password column is optional, and if left blank, will generate a random password for the learner. Similar to option 1, Learners will receive an email with account login details and the assigned training information will be immediately available in their account.
Once your customer has assigned registration codes, they can manage those codes on the registration codes page. At a glance, they can see how many remaining registration codes they have, how many have been used, and can click ‘Details’ to continue assigning. They will also be able to view pending invites. This screen will show them any outstanding email invites that have been sent but remain unclaimed by the learner. The customer can access the invitation link and copy to send manually to a learner, they can Assign this registration code directly to a learner by creating an account for that learner, or they can send an email invitation inviting a learner to register for the training. Each of those options can be used for the originally invited learner or can be used for a new learner. If inviting a learner by email invitation, the first learner to accept and create an account will have the registration code and any other invitations will become invalid. An example use case for this may be if the customer has invited an employee to a training and that employee has either left the company or no longer needs the training, the customer can then reassign the registration code to another employee.

Another view that the customer has on the Registration Code Page is Completed Registrations. This shows all learners with confirmed access via a registration code, either through the customer setting them up with an account or if they have self-registered with an email invitation the customer sent to them. This screen allows the customer to resend the confirmation email with account login details to the learner. The customer is also able to revoke access by clicking ‘Remove’ next to the learner’s email address. This will remove the training out of the learner’s account and revoke any access to course content items. The removed access code will become available to reassign to another learner and will show in the main registration codes page.

Registration Codes on Admin Interface
In the event an administrator is asked to help with registration code management, they are able to view registration code assignments by logging into the backend of the LearningCart site and navigating to Manage Users, Customers. Locate the customer in need of assistance and click ‘Details’. Toward the bottom of the customer’s profile, the administrator will find a section called ‘Registration Code Users’. This shows a complete list of users who have been granted access to a training. Administrators are then able to remove access and the registration code will become available to reassign in the customer’s account. Administrators are also able to view the User’s access dates by clicking ‘View User’ and navigating to ‘Content Access’. If the learner needs a date extension, the administrator can click ‘Edit’, adjust the dates accordingly, then click update.