Webex Configuration

Configuring Webex to communicate with LearningCart

In order to set up Webex to communicate with LearningCart, you'll need to set up an Webex. To do so, first navigate to this page: https://developer.webex.com/

Once on that page, sign into your Webex account. At the top of that page, click your name at the top, and click My Webex Apps. Click that, then click Create a New App. From that page, you'll need to click Create an Integration.  Name the app LearningCart, and fill in the rest of the required fields. For Redirect URL enter https://YourLearningCartURL.com/admin/WebexLogin.aspx.  For scopes, check all that start with "meeting", "spark:all", "spark-admin:people_read", "spark-admin:people_write", and "meeting:admin_* scopes". Next, you'll be presented with a page that shows an Client ID, and Client Secret. Copy both of these down, as you'll need them for the LearningCart set up.

Setting Up LearningCart

Now that you have the Webex app set up, you'll need to set up LearningCart. From your Admin portal, click the Configuration link at the top right of the page. On that page, click the link for Online Meeting Provider. That page will list the Online Meeting Providers that LearningCart works with. Click Webex. A pop up window will open. In that window, you'll need to fill in the text boxes for Webex Client ID and Webex Client Secret. The Client ID and Secret will be the same that you copied down earlier. Once filled in, click Update. You should now be directed to sign in to your Webex account. After signing in, you'll see a confirmation to allow the app you created to have access to your webex account. After approving access, you'll be directed back to LearningCart and you should see a confirmation screen.

Using the Webex integration feature

Now that you have Webex set up, you can create and manage Webex meetings from LearningCart. You'll first need to set up any Webex user that will be hosting meetings with Instructor accounts in LearningCart. Information about setting up Instructors can be found here.

For a video tutorial on adding an Online Session, click here.

To create/manage Webex meetings in LearningCart, you'll need to do so while editing a Product Price. While editing a product price, expand the Show Additional Fields. Below the Join Link text box, you'll now see an "Add Webex Meeting" link. Click that and a pop up window will appear where you can create a new Webex meeting. You'll see a drop down list of available hosts. This drop down comes from Instructors that you have created, that are also users in your Webex account. After filling in all of the information for your Webex meeting, click the Add Meeting button and afterwards, you'll see a confirmation screen prompting you to close the window. After closing that pop up window, the edit Product Price page will refresh. Now, you'll see that the Event Start Date/End Dates, Timezone, and Join Link are all filled in, and they are also no longer able to be changed. In order for these now to be updated or changed, you must edit the Webex meeting. 

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